




Welcome to the Bengeo Rural Parish Council Community Website

Proudly encompassing Tonwell, Crouchfields, and Chapmore End.

Parish Meeting - 16th September 2024 at 7.00pm. Tonwell Village Hall

News & Notices

Councillors wanted

The Parish Council is actively seeking new members to join our team. Currently consisting of 4 members, we aim to expand our council. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please reach out to the Parish Clerk or any of the existing Councillors for more information.

Advert for Councillor Advert for Second Councillor

Notice of Public Rights & Publications of Annual Governance & Accountability Return (Exempt Authority) - Accounts year end 31 March 2024.

Public Rights Notice

Support Your Community

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Parish Council Documents

Find minutes, planning applications, financial statements, audit reports, and reference documents all in one place.
